电影 24号大街
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24号大街 HD 7.0
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给影片打分 《24号大街》
  • 很差
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  • 力荐

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  • 片名: 24号大街
  • 状态: HD
  • 主演: 内详  
  • 导演: 潘志琪  
  • 年份: 2017
  • 地区: 日本
  • 类型: 纪录片 /
  • 时长:内详
  • 上映:于2017日本首播
  • 语言:国语
  • 更新:2023-07-23 02:22
  • 简介:该纪录片讲述的是  

      China doesn’t have a lot of room anymore for peddlers like Su. He set up a ramshackle restaurant next to a construction site on 24th street in Hangzhou, but of course he neglected to obtain a permit. Unsurprisingly, the authorities send him and the other illegal dwellers away. Unfazed, Su and his girlfriend Qin find another place for their restaurant, only to be sent away again. Su then decides to go back home to the countryside, where his wife and children, along with Qin’s family, still live. After being away for 30 years, the couple isn't exactly welcomed back with open arms. Filmmaker Zhiqi Pan usually observes Su and Qin’s adventures without comment, but does step in on occasion, such as when the unscrupulous Su is trying to cheat people. With its colorful main character, 24th Street offers an original twist to the story of modernizing China—and those on the fringe who can’t keep up.

    .24号大街是由潘志琪执导,内详等人主演的,于2017年上映,24号大街影片视频主流清晰度主要分为720P(高清)、1080P(全高清)、4K(蓝光)、2K (HD)、超高清 (杜比音频)、完整版 (策驰影院)、全集未删减 (西瓜视频)请大家根据自己手机分辨率选择在线观看视频。 。 
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